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(The below documentation is outdated and is only being kept for historical purposes)
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(The below documentation is outdated and is only being kept for historical purposes)
OpenEMR Documentation (Wiki)
Overview of OpenEMR
Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question to ask? ask Here.
Roadmap: Includes plan for financing and CCHIT certification.
OpenEMR Certification: Is OpenEMR CCHIT certified?
Commercial Help: Professional OpenEMR installation and support
Can I Charge for the OpenEMR Software?
OpenEMR Certification: Is OpenEMR CCHIT certified?
OpenEMR Appliance Demos (Versions 3.1.0, 3.0.1, 2.8.3)
OpenEMR Version 3.0.1 Demo
OpenEMR Version 3.2.x Development Demo
OpenEMR Version 3.1.x Development Demo
Download Links
User Manuals
3.1 User Manual: Based on OpenEMR version 3.1.0
PDF 3.1 User Manual
FREE Online User Training Videos: Based on OpenEMR version 3.0.1
3.0 User Manual: Based on OpenEMR version 3.0.1
PDF 3.0 User Manual
2.8 User Manual: Based on OpenEMR version 2.8.0
CAMOS module: CAMOS (Computer Aided Medical Ordering System) is, on the surface, just a fancy interface for organizing and choosing pieces of text to insert into a patient's chart. It is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. It can be turned on in OpenEMR via the admin->forms menu.
Pharmacy Dispensary
Simple Note Templates
Cross Reference of Radio Button Menu and Tree View
Installation/Upgrade Manuals
OpenEMR Install Howtos
OpenEMR Upgrade Howtos
Php-GACL Install Howtos (Obsolete since OpenEMR 3.0.0)
Sql-Ledger Install Howtos (Obsolete since OpenEMR 3.0.0)
FreeB Install Howtos (Obsolete since OpenEMR 2.9.0)
Configuration Manuals
BackupTools: Backup methods and scripts
Foreign Language Support: OpenEMR has a thriving translation community with languages already available. If you have an interest in translating OpenEMR into your native language, please let us know.
Form Creation Tool: This is a tool for creating new forms for OpenEMR.
Layout Selection: OpenEMR now has three visual layouts to choose from. These instruction show how to configure this along with comparison screenshots.
Patient Statement Printing/Configuration Howtos
Pharmacy Dispensary Module
Sms/Email Notification Howtos
SSL Install Howtos
UTF-8 Upgrade
Developer Manuals
Information For New Developers: If you are a developer looking to contribute to the project, check this page for details on how to get started.
JqueryJavascriptAjaxWidgetIntegration: These are notes describing recent integration of JQuery, Javascript, Ajax, and Widget functions and tools into OpenEMR.
ListsAndLayouts: Ongoing project to ensure standarized usage of OpenEMR lists and layouts.
OpenEmrCodeDiscussion: Developer discussion of the OpenEMR code base
PhpGacl: Notes about OpenEMR's embedded php-GACL (access controls).
PhpMyAdmin: Notes about OpenEMR's embedded phpMyAdmin.
TranslationGuide: A HOWTO on helping with translation of OpenEMR in your native language.
Virtual Machines
OpenEMR 3.1.0 Virtual Machine
OpenEMR Developer Virtual Machine: Only for OpenEMR Developers and Testers; configures with most current development version of OpenEMR.
Documents on the Web
OpenEMR Review
An Evaluation of the Technical Aspects of OpenEMR - Julia Weatherby
OpenEMR and its community - Margaret Donahue
OpenEMR Architecture - T. Simbini
Open Source Medical Software
Open Source Medical Software is a not-for-profit company that supports oemr.org and the development of OpenEMR.Who Is Open Source Medical Software
What Is Open Source Software?
Why Open EMR
OpenEMR Funding and Donations for Open Source Medical Software
Affiliated Projects
Mumbai Health Maintenance Organization Project
Women's Health Services of Sante Fe, New Mexico
How to use this site:
A Wiki is a collaborative site, anyone can contribute and share:
We welcome any additions that you can add to this wiki. Don't worry about the formatting or organization, just add whatever you think would be helpful.
Edit any page by pressing ''Edit'' at the top or the bottom right of the page
Create a link to another page with joined capitalized words (like WikiSandBox)
WikiSandBox: feel free to change this page and experiment with editing
Wiki Index
Overview of OpenEMR
OpenEMR CCHIT Certification
User Manuals
Installation/Upgrade Manuals
International Area
Configuration Manuals
Developer Manuals
Virtual Machines
Documents on the Web
Open Source Medical Software
Affiliated Projects
Overview of OpenEMR
OpenEMR CCHIT Certification
User Manuals
Installation/Upgrade Manuals
International Area
Configuration Manuals
Developer Manuals
Virtual Machines
Documents on the Web
Open Source Medical Software
Affiliated Projects
Overview of OpenEMR
User Manuals
Installation/Upgrade Manuals
Configuration Manuals
Developer Manuals
Virtual Machines
Documents on the Web
Open Source Medical Software
Open Source Medical Software is a not-for-profit company that supports oemr.org and the development of OpenEMR.
Affiliated Projects
How to use this site:
A Wiki is a collaborative site, anyone can contribute and share:
Last modified: 24.11.09 by bradymiller