Talk:OpenEMR Xml Form Generator

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Questions and or bugs: --Tony - 05:45, 7 March 2011 (UTC)

1) the cells_per_row attribute seems to have no effect in either layout or paper style; all fields in a section display horizontally, in the 'paper' style the area indicated by the cells_per_row is highlighted correctly but no new row is started Code example:

  <table type="form">form_gyn_ros</table>
  <RealName>Gyn Review of Systems</RealName>
  <style cells_per_row="3">paper</style>
  <acl table="patients">med</acl>

<!-- General ROS, Cardio, Gastro, Urinary, CNS, Other, Complications -->
    <section name="general_ros" label="General ROS">
        <field name="" label="Cardio - Respiratory System" labelcols='1'/>
        <field name="cardio_reviewed" label="Reviewed" type="checkbox_list" list="yesno" hoverover="If yes you must include a note" labelcols="1" cols="1"/>
        <field name="cardio_note" label="Note:" type="textarea" rows="3" columns="120" hoverover="Described the results of the review" labelcols="1" cols="1"/>

        <field name="" label="Gastro - Intestinal System" labelcols='1'/>
        <field name="gastro_reviewed" label="Reviewed" type="checkbox_list" list="yesno" hoverover="If yes you must include a note" labelcols="1" cols="1"/>
        <field name="gastro_note" label="Note:" type="textarea" rows="3" columns="120" hoverover="Describe the results of the review" labelcols="1" cols="1"/>
etc ..

2) which brings me to how you set a "Label Only" display item for use in general descriptions, In the above example I was attempting a display that should look like this:

    Cardio - Respiratory System   Reviewed: Yes [] No []  Notes: [                                                                     ]
    Gastro - Intestinal System    Reviewed: Yes [] No []  Notes: [                                                                     ]
etc ..

3) How do you set the default value of a field? Such as setting 'N' on the yesno list as the default or 'Checked', NotChecked on a single box.

4) How do you set the state of a section in layout style to default to either expanded or collapsed at form open?

5) Can't find a field type that will produce a table.sql with integer data fields in it.

6) It's producing invalid SQL in the table... I can't tell right now what it is that's wrong but its in this section around flowhrs, apparently:

 interval varchar(30),
 interval_note varchar(30),
 flowfhcount varchar(2),
 flowhrs varchar(2),
 vag_discharge varchar(255),
 vag_discharge_note TEXT,